Book Review - Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming
Coders at work is absolutely stunning piece of literature. It contains interviews of of few of the most well known programmers in the history of computer sciences. But it contains practical views on code style, concepts, ways of thinking and on debugginh things. A must read for any software professional. It not only teaches you about history of computer sciences, but also makes you want to write your own interpreter and programming language. Contains some brilliant insights on craft of computer programming.
The interviewed coders include Donald Knuth[1], Brendan Eich[2], Douglas Crockford[3], and Joe Armstrong[3:1].
- Must read for programmers, coders and hackers
- Works very well in audio format
- Classic book can be read more than once.
Professor emeritus at Standford uni, the author of The Art of Computer Programming ↩︎
Creator of Javascript, co-founder of Mozilla project. ↩︎
Creator of JSON and JSLint, author of JavaScript: The Good Parts ↩︎ ↩︎